Cyber Security
{“main-title”:{“component”:”hc_title”,”id”:”main-title”,”subtitle”:””,”title_content”:{“component”:”hc_title_image”,”id”:”title-image”,”image”:””,”full_screen”:false,”full_screen_height”:””,”parallax”:false,”bleed”:””,”ken_burn”:””,”overlay”:””,”breadcrumbs”:false,”white”:true},”title”:”Cyber Security”},”section_5ZtkF”:{“component”:”hc_section”,”id”:”section_5ZtkF”,”section_width”:””,”animation”:””,”animation_time”:””,”timeline_animation”:””,”timeline_delay”:””,”timeline_order”:””,”vertical_row”:””,”box_middle”:””,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”section_content”:[{“component”:”hc_column”,”id”:”column_fMMrS”,”column_width”:”col-md-12″,”animation”:””,”animation_time”:””,”timeline_animation”:””,”timeline_delay”:””,”timeline_order”:””,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”main_content”:[{“component”:”hc_wp_editor”,”id”:”9dYQs”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”editor_content”:”Computer Security or Cybersecurity is a very important topic, perhaps more today than in the past.\n\nThe use of IT tools is increasingly important in the lives of individuals and in production activities.\n\nTherefore the presence of a high level of security has become necessary, as well as mandatory by law when processing personal data.\n\nSo do not underestimate this topic.”},{“component”:”hc_title_tag”,”id”:”8yGHM”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”text”:”Computer security, dissemination of culture in the company”,”tag”:”h2″},{“component”:”hc_wp_editor”,”id”:”7Sfun”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”editor_content”:”Unfortunately, this aspect is often overlooked. This is a topic for which there should be more attention and culture in the company.\n\nThere are many, perhaps too many, moments when there are problems because of the superficiality with which this problem is considered.\n\nThe risks and their consequences can be heavy for those who let themselves be caught unprepared.”},{“component”:”hc_title_tag”,”id”:”gr92R”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”text”:”Cybersecurity, which dangers we run”,”tag”:”h2″},{“component”:”hc_wp_editor”,”id”:”G7jAf”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”editor_content”:”There are several cases of potential danger that could affect PCs, servers but also smartphones and sites, as well as all the devices connected to the web that we use every day.\n\nRisks are hidden in multiple activities.\n\nYou need to be careful when using public connections when downloading files from the web (especially if they are executable files), as well as when receiving emails with attachments included.\n\nWe must also pay attention to social media, because between external links at risk, applications that require access to personal data, fictitious accounts that try to appropriate groups, pages and accounts, the dangers could be relevant.\n\nIt is best to avoid providing personal information and be careful when using images of you and your family members that could be taken and reused fraudulently.\n\nDo not set weak passwords and pay the utmost attention when using computer systems to carry out banking transactions.\n\nWhat we can do to help you is to protect devices from Malware such as Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, Rootkits, Backdoors, but also from data loss or theft due to external events such as Phishing.”},{“component”:”hc_title_tag”,”id”:”t5hXL”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”text”:”Information Security and its defense weapons”,”tag”:”h2″},{“component”:”hc_wp_editor”,”id”:”Wbo7s”,”css_classes”:””,”custom_css_classes”:””,”custom_css_styles”:””,”editor_content”:”Even if there are different risks, it is also true that we can protect ourselves adequately.\n\nWhat do we want to protect?\n\nOur Data, our devices, the corporate IT structure: that is all those elements that have a value that goes beyond that of the device itself.\n\nNughe advises you to implement a minimum level of security for your IT devices.\n\nThe minimum level involves the installation of some protection programs and simple measures that you find below:\n
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- AntiMalware (Virus, Worms, Malware, Trojans, Spyware, Rootkits, Backdoors).
- Antiphishing.
- Antispam.
- Firewall both software and hardware.
- Cryptography system.
- Defend yourself from dangerous emails.
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\nYou need to install and keep these security software up to date and pay attention to our few recommendations.\n\nIt is not difficult to defend oneself if basic skills and competences are developed and a percentage of cybersecurity is invested.\n\nNughe is at your disposal to offer adequate and up-to-date security, starting from the same software design, hardware or service as you need.”}]}],”section_settings”:””},”scripts”:{},”css”:{},”css_page”:””,”template_setting”:{“settings”:{“id”:”settings”}},”template_setting_top”:{},”page_setting”:{“settings”:[“lock-mode-off”]}}